Friday, March 14, 2008

Jeremiah Wright--Hate Speech?

Jeremiah Wright, as many of you already know, was the evangelist at the Trinity United Church of Christ until his retirement last month. You probably also know that he has been linked with Barack Obama. Some call Wright Obama's mentor even.

I came across this video today and it really made me cringe. I am not posting this because this man is linked with Obama, nor do I feel that this should destroy Obama's credibility (he does a good job of that himself). However as a Christian and a preacher I have a hard time with a message like this coming from the pulpit of a man who claims to stay "in Bible country."

Take a look and leave me a comment to let me know what you think. I should warn you. There is some offensive language in the video.


Kim said...

He is a scary man. Even scarier is that a man who has sat at the feet of this preacher for 20 years is running for president. Our "youngest" had to take a college orientation class, and one of their topics of study was "tolerance." The professor was a black man and told the class that blacks cannot be "racist" because they are not "in power" and only those "in power" can be racist. I'm sure this man believes he is not guilty of "hate speech" for the same reason. I don't buy it.

Anonymous said...

I dont believe that the individual is necessarily being a rascist,but the comments are certainly incorrect and inappropriate from various standpoints.It seems strange to me that a man in obama's camp would make such ignorant and biased comments.It would seem unfair to assume that the preacher on a constant basis was teaching this type of material to the congregation.

Anonymous said...


Thank you for your comment. I am not sure that I can agree with your first statement. His words do show him to be a racist even if it is only during the moments in which he spoke them. After all, how do you determine the heart of someone? Is it not bye their fruit (Matthew 7:20)? The truth of the matter is that however one decides to label Wright, his comments are undoubtedly racist.

As to whether or not he always preached like that, I don't know. Some sources do, however, link him to black separatist groups, but who knows?

I do agree that it is strange that he would preach this message in light of the campaign. One would think he would be able to foresee the negative response it would generate.

Anonymous said...

I guess I'm getting my viewpoint from the definition of the word racism,which states in short that one holds his race above others and that race accounts for character.The rev in his rantings that i observed made no comments toward either of the above described defs.Interestingly enough I was listening to Bill Maher which is an HBO prog.He typically has a mixed panel of individuals on his show to discuss political topics and last night they were talking about the current political situations with the candidates.On his panel he had an professor of ecc,a (d)senator from Mass,ecconomist correspondent and a journalist.Interestingly enough they agreed that this should not be a reflection on Obama and that the rev appeared to be blowing off steam.It's strange that for some reason the media is blowing this situation up,but other candidates have had some equally bad situations ie: Jon Mcains endoresments of these individuals.these are quotes from:his universitys commencements.Reverend John Hagee has called the Catholic Church the "Great Whore." He has said that the Anti-Christ will rise out of the European Union (of course, the Anti-Christ will also be Jewish). He has said all Muslims are trained to kill and will be part of the devil's army when Armageddon comes (which he hopes is soon). John McCain continues to say he is proud of Reverend Hagee's endorsement.

Reverend Rod Parsley believes America was founded to destroy Islam. Since this is such an outlandish claim, I have to add for the record, that he is not kidding. Reverend Parsley says Islam is an "anti-Christ religion" brought down from a "demon spirit." Of course, we are in a war against all Muslims, including presumably Muslim-Americans. Buts since Parsley believes this is a Christian nation and that it should be run as a theocracy, he is not very concerned what Muslim-Americans think.

John McCain says Reverend Rod Parsley is his "spiritual guide."I CERTAINLY IN NO WAY APPROVE OF ANY NEGATIVE THOUGHT PROVOKING COMMENTS OF ANY OF THESE INDIVIDUALS,nor am i trying to defend anyone comments either,though I do think its interesting news the media decides to cover and how they cover it.