Friday, April 4, 2008

Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed

I have been looking forward to this! You?


Kim said...

The entire ID debate can be summed up in one sentence: The Darwinists are afraid of the evidence. This is why they must claim that ID theory is creationism with a new name and why they must silence the facts.

KurtGJones said...

I"ll probably watch it, But I would imagine that it is not really going to support the Biblical account, of 7 literal days,

It will most likely be an "intelligent design" Theistic evolution approach, which espouses such nonsense as the "day/age theory that is prevalent among pseudo-christian/pseudo-scientist types who seem to try to play both sides of the field. And generally are disrespected among both.

But I could be wrong, I do look forward to seeing it, I just hope it promotes the truth and not compromise.

The Cheshire Cat said...

Ben Stein is a funny guy and I like listening to his input on economic matters. But I have to disagree with what he’s said on this matter. I tend to think Darwinists don’t lack evidence, but have the preponderance of it on their side. Furthermore, though I understand the desire to avoid twisting Scripture as Kurt speaks of, and agree that it’s wrong. I think, however, one can take a day/age, theistic evolutionary position without being a “pseudo-Christian” or doing injustice to the text.

That's my two cents anyway.